Membership Info / Pricing
Please note that membership pricing is effective January 1, 2025. For more information, click here. We offer four Standard memberships at SixFour3: Rookie Membership ($39.99/month): Provides self-service, anytime access to our facility for up to 2 hours per month, bookable in 30-minute increments. Includes access to general purpose lanes, as well as specialized lanes (where applicable) such has Hack Attack / SpinBall (pitching machFeaturedHow do I cancel (or "pause") my membership?
If you wish to cancel your membership, please reach out to us through one of the following methods: Email: Send an email to Online Chat: Send us a note on our online chat. Text: Text us at 571-781-4564 Contact Form: Fill out our contact form. Please make sure to read about our Grace Period, which applies when you cancel your membership.PopularWhat is the Grace Period?
Should you decide to cancel your membership, you can do so at anytime without penalty, and you can rejoin without penalty within 60-days of cancelation (the "Grace Period"). Should you rejoin after the 60-Day Grace period, a $25 reinstatement fee will be assessed, and your new anniversary term will be the new date of signup (which is relevant for the purposes of the Annual Maintenance Fee . Please keep in mind,Some readersHow do I upgrade / downgrade / change my membership?
If you would like to upgrade or downgrade your membership, simply click on your Profile link, click the "Change Membership" link (or just navigate to the Memberships page), choose the player account and the new plan you would like to change to, click the "Change Membership" button at the bottom of the page and complete the checkout process. You will have the option of applying the change immediately or at the start of your next monthly term. Please keep in mind, if you are upgrading and you choSome readersWhat is an Annual Maintenance Fee?
Given the desire to maintain a high-quality, comfortable, clean and innovative environment for our members, we invest in our facilities throughout the year. Often this is general maintenance, but will also include the addition of new products, services and facility enhancements. Annual fees help SixFour3 defray the cost for on-going and increasing maintenance fees, increasing annual rent and other related expenses. We charge a $25 fee every year on your anniversary date to the default credit caSome readersSixFour3 Release and Waiver of Liability
All participants MUST agree to our Waiver Release (below) and Terms of Service before utilizing our facility or any of our services. To fill out the Waiver form, please visit to create an account and agree to the Waiver (and ToS). RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in any way in SixFSome readersCan I still book services into my next term if I no longer have any available benefits (benefit borrowing)?
When you attempt to schedule appointments beyond the end of your current term without any remaining benefits, our system provides an option to "borrow" benefits from your subsequent months. This assumes that you plan to renew your monthly membership. Since our booking window allows you to reserve appointments up to 14 days in advance for self-service and 21 days for instructor-led sessions, you may often find yourself booking appointments that fall outside your current term, especially towards tSome readersWhat is a PLUS membership?
PLUS memberships simply offer more features than our Standard memberships for $30 more per month. Everything in your Standard plan will still apply, but you will also have the following benefits: Access to twelve (12) 30-minute Self-Service slots per week Access to HitTrax (synced across all facilities) Access to all SixFour3 facilities (i.e., all locations)Some readersIf I have more than one player, do I need more than one membership?
Yes! Each player that intends to utilize services at SixFour3, should have their own membership. You can manage your player accounts from within your Profile by clicking the "Edit Pencil" and scrolling down the page to your Player accounts. Once you add the player, you can return to the "Memberships" tab and you can add a membership from there. You can add up to 3 players to your account (if you have more than 3 players, please contact us). ( readersWhat is Self-Service
Anytime you want to use a SixFour3 facility to work out on your own, that is classified as "self-service" (versus an "Instructor-Led" service with one of our SixFour3 instructors). With standard memberships, you have up to 16 30-minute slots over the course of your monthly term (limited to 2 hours of booking per week and 2 hours per day). With the PLUS+ add-on, you have 48 30-minute slots for your term (limited to 6 hours of booking per week and 2 hours per daFew readersWhat is a Reinstatement Fee?
The Reinstatement Fee helps cover the direct costs related to on-boarding and off-boarding members. The fee is only imposed when a membership is canceled and is not renewed during the 60-day Grace Period). If the membership is reinstated during the 60-day grace period, the reinstatement fee is waived.Few readers