Articles on: Facility Use

Terms of Service

All participants MUST agree to our Waiver Release and Terms of Service (below) before utilizing our facility or any of our services. To fill out the Waiver form, please visit to create an account and agree to the Waiver (and ToS).

SixFour3 is a private and exclusive community that is dedicated to girls fastpitch softball. We are committed to providing our members with the highest quality of service and expect our members to reciprocate that commitment by showing respect and consideration towards the facility and its other members. It is important to note that our business depends on the participation and dedication of our members.

As a member of SixFour3, please be aware that every entry into our facilities is audited and monitored by us 24/7, and your actions will be recorded. By entering our facilities, you acknowledge and assume full responsibility for your actions, as well as the actions of any accompanying individuals. Please also note that our facilities are often un-staffed, and you may be present in the facility alone at any given point. We strongly advise that you make appropriate precautions in case of any accidents or injuries that may occur while you are alone in the facility. If members are under 16 years old they must be accompanied by an adult and cannot use the Hack Attack unsupervised. 

SixFour3 is not liable for any personal injury, damage or loss that may occur in or at our facilities, including injuries or damages to you or any accompanying individuals. By acknowledging our online waiver, you agree to the terms set forth therein (the waiver can be found on our website at 

Please be considerate and respectful towards other members in the facility, and ensure that you clean up after yourself and leave your area in its intended condition upon your departure. We ask that you refrain from chewing gum, consuming food or drinks (other than water) in the playing areas. Additionally, we take pride in maintaining clean and functional bathrooms, and we ask that you help us keep them that way. 

If you encounter any non-functioning or unclean bathrooms, spills, damaged or non-working equipment, inappropriate behavior, or any other issues that require our attention, please alert us immediately. You can contact us anytime ( / 571-781-4564) or fill out our Voice of the Member form ( 

Please be sure to visit our FAQ’s website at to review a variety of policies, to include facility usage, peak times, cancellation details, annual maintenance and re-engagement fees, etc. 

Please note that we reserve the right to revoke any membership at our discretion, including for any behavior that we deem inappropriate. Please understand that our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all our members, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us achieve that goal.

Updated on: 06/11/2024

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